Chocolate and caramel tartlets


Exams are over (at least for now), so let’s celebrate by eating some chocolate dessert! I couldn’t wait to share this recipe, but these days were so long and filled with studying that I didn’t find the time to edit and post something… But now I’m back at it! If you thought that a chocolate tart is awesome, wait till you try this caramel filled dream with an Oreo crust. I’m drooling even when I think about it.


With this recipe I finally nailed the crumbled biscuit base; it didn’t fall apart when I took it off the tartlets tins and it stuck together like it was glued. So, I guess that’s a win for me. The secret is to grind the biscuits really well (keeping the cream also) and to mix in the melted butter while it’s still warm and liquid. Then you will be able to shape the tart crust easily, using a spoon and your own hands. The next step is to cool down in the fridge, but I kept mine in the freezer, so the whole process would take less time.


Next step is the caramel sauce; I bought mine from Dr. Oetker, only because I was to lazy to make my own- after all, the blog is called “the lazy bakes”, right? (pls don’t hate me). Pour the filling in, 1/2 of the tart crust, and let it cool again.

The last step is to prepare a chocolate ganache; I cannot tell you what a difference makes the kind of chocolate you use to prepare this cream! Stick with the real baking chocolate, the one that has over 50% cocoa, and you will have perfect results. When I made these, I was cheap and went for the “cocoa bars” that they were selling in the baking section (you know, the ones with 12% cocoa or less) and they made my ganache runny and… I don’t know, it wasn’t right.



To finish off this long post, I will just say that YOU. MUST. TRY. THIS. Trust me, you will never go back to your old chocolate desserts after you tried this one.




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