Pomegranate tartlets


I had some pomegranates laying around in the fridge since forever, and no time to bake something with them. But the moment has come; dressed in a grey shirt (definitely not white) and armed with a knife, I began cutting the pomegranates. I don’t know why, but everytime I work with this fruits everything looks like a crime scene; the red splash gets on walls, clothes, knife… you can’t hide it. Muhaha.



This recipe combines the sweetness of the vanilla with the sourness of the pomegranate in a way you’ll never forget. I mean, what’s better than a little contrast in your life?


I baked the tartlets forms 3 days ahead of making the cream and I kept writing in my planner that I need to *finish the dessert*, but that didn’t happen; I simply had to much work to do and I couldn’t find the time to just go in the kitchen and do it. Or I was too lazy to go to the supermarket and buy milk and eggs. But when I finally did it, the stars aligned; the vanilla cream came out so smooth! The thing is you don’t have to overfill the tarts, or else the glaze will drip off the cakes (completely). That happened to me. Finished them in the morning, when I took the pictures, served them at evening – they where left with a halo of pink glaze.


I very much enjoyed this dessert as it remembered me of the tarts I used to get when I was little from the city’s bakery; little did I know that one day I will be able to make them myself. If you try them out, feel free to use any kind of fruits you like: berries, strawberries or kiwis; just enjoy!



tarte cu rodii


Berry vanilla cream tartlets


I’ve been traveling for a while and I couldn’t bake something new and exciting and I am kinda sorry, but I will make it up to myself the next days. Meanwhile, I thought I could share this recipe that made my summer days better (sort of a throwback Thursday).


These tartlets are the perfect combination of sweet and sour, and I absolutely enjoy the fact that they are portion-sized… that kinda makes them easier to pop into your mouth at any time of the day. But lets take it from the beginning: you should start with patience, cause it will take a while to place the dough in every tart-shaped tray you own. Keep the rage and use it when you stab them with a fork, so they won’t grow in your oven and transform in weird fat cookies.


Mix, bake, wait, fill, decorate. Tadaa!


I really hope everyone gets to make and taste at least once in their lives these kind of tarts, because they’re absolutely fantastic! I’m done bragging. You can try it for yourself, the recipe is below!



Pentru o perioada de timp, calatoria a luat locul oricarui alt hobby, asa ca nu am avut timp sa gatesc nimic nou si interesant; mi-am promis ca ma voi revansa. Intre timp,      m-am gandit sa impartasesc reteta care m-a incantat in zilele de vara – un fel de sa ne amintim cum era in vacanta.

Tartele acestea sunt combinatia perfecta intre dulce si acrisor, iar dimensiunea lor le face mai usor de praduit din frigider in orice moment al zilei. Ar trebui totusi sa incep cu inceputul: reteta necesita rabdare, caci ia ceva timp asezarea in forme a aluatului. Enervarea poate fi folosita in momentul in care se inteapa aluatul cu furculita pentru a nu creste la copt, transformand tartele in niste biscuiti deformati.

Amesteca, coace, asteapta, umple, decoreaza. Tadaa!

Sper ca toata lumea sa prepare si sa guste macar o data in viata tartele acestea, pentru ca sunt cu adevarat fantastice! Acum am terminat cu ridicatul in slavi. Te poti convinge si tu ca nu faceam asta degeaba, reteta e mai jos!

