Cinnamon rolls

Sweet rolls

The fall colors, the sun setting down early, the lovely sound of crashed leaves- I would say the cold weather too, but it isn’t the case- are making me go into a nesting mood. Knowing that Christmas is 25 days away, I almost want to skip all this nonsense warm weather and wear my best sweaters, drink hot beverages and complain about how cold is outside while wanting to be outside in the snow. One of the things that reminds me of holiday season is the smell of cinnamon in the air- I don’t know if it’s because of the babka, the cookies or the gingerbread, but it most certainly takes me into a Christmasy mood.

I haven’t tried to make a babka myself, so I stick to what I know and love (that contains cinnamon, of course) – cinnamon rolls. Cinnamon buns. Cinnabon. Whatever you call them. Buns of happiness. Ok, I took it too far. I think this is the third batch in the last two weeks- what can I say, I’m hooked to them! I made the first with apple bites in them, and they were tasty af! Aesthetically pleasing, not so much, cause they spread like crazy.

Then I made them again with apples and still, a major fail on the looks department. I think I ate like 20 cinnamon rolls in a week just to get that perfect shape and recipe. Finally, I ran out of apples and made them with only cinnamon and sugar – AND surprise! They grew like crazy, making me a proud owner of a successful tray of cinnamon buns. Soft, melt-in-your-mouth, buttery rolls. I can’t even begin to explain how happy I was! 

Also, if you’re interested, you can check my cinnamon recipe from last year (and my photo skills at that time- horror.) The recipe is the same, the baker is the same, only the photos are different. GOOD different haha. Click here and you will see for yourself!